How to get succession certificate in Pakistan?


In Pakistan, a succession certificate is a legal document that establishes the legal heirs of a deceased person and their respective shares in the assets left by the deceased. The process of obtaining a succession certificate in Pakistan is governed by the Succession Act 1925.


The following are the steps involved in obtaining a succession certificate:

1. File a petition: The first step in obtaining a succession certificate is to file a petition in the relevant civil court. The petition should contain details about the deceased person, the legal heirs, and the assets left by the deceased.

2. Provide evidence: Along with the petition, the petitioner needs to provide evidence to prove the relationship between the deceased and the legal heirs. This may include death certificates, marriage certificates, and birth certificates.

3. Publish a notice: After the petition is filed, the court will issue a notice in a newspaper to invite any objections from other claimants or legal heirs.

4. Attend the hearing: The court will then schedule a hearing for the petition. The petitioner and any other interested parties will need to attend the hearing and provide any further evidence required.

5. Obtain the certificate: If the court is satisfied with the evidence provided, it will issue a succession certificate to the legal heirs, specifying their respective shares in the assets left by the deceased.

It is important to note that the process of obtaining a succession certificate in Pakistan can be time-consuming and complex, and it is recommended to seek the assistance of a lawyer to navigate the legal process.


In Pakistan, the following documents are generally required to file a petition for a succession certificate:

1. Death certificate of the deceased person: This document is required to establish the date and place of death of the deceased person.

2. National Identity Card (NIC) of the deceased person: This document is required to establish the identity of the deceased person.

3. National Identity Card (NIC) of the petitioner: This document is required to establish the identity of the petitioner who is filing the petition for the succession certificate.

4. Family registration certificate (FRC) of the deceased person: This document is required to establish the family tree and relationship between the deceased person and the legal heirs.

5. Family registration certificate (FRC) of the petitioner: This document is required to establish the family tree and relationship between the petitioner and the deceased person.

6. Affidavits of witnesses: Witnesses may be required to provide evidence to establish the relationship between the deceased person and the legal heirs.

It is important to note that the specific requirements for documents may vary depending on the circumstances of the case, and it is recommended to consult with a lawyer to ensure that all the necessary documents are provided when filing a petition for a succession certificate.


The relevant civil court for filing a petition for a succession certificate in Pakistan is the district court where the deceased person was residing at the time of their death. The jurisdiction of the district court is determined by the value of the assets left by the deceased person. If the value of the assets is less than Rs. 50,000, the petition can be filed in the court of a civil judge. If the value of the assets is between Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 2,000,000, the petition can be filed in the court of a senior civil judge. If the value of the assets is more than Rs. 2,000,000, the petition can be filed in the court of a district judge.

It is important to note that the jurisdiction of the court may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case, and it is recommended to consult with a lawyer to ensure that the petition is filed in the correct court with the appropriate jurisdiction.


(National Database and Registration Authority) cannot issue a succession certificate in Pakistan. The process of obtaining a succession certificate is governed by the Succession Act 1925, and it is the responsibility of the relevant civil court to issue the certificate. However, NADRA does play a role in the process by providing identity verification services and maintaining a database of citizens, which can be used to verify the identity of the legal heirs. It is important to note that the process of obtaining a succession certificate in Pakistan can be time-consuming and complex, and it is recommended to seek the assistance of a lawyer to navigate the legal process.


If you are looking for legal assistance, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced lawyers. We are here to help you navigate the legal process and provide you with the legal representation you need to protect your rights and interests.


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