Can someone record your audio calls, videos or take pictures without your permission or consent?

Online Questions & AnswersCan someone record your audio calls, videos or take pictures without your permission or consent?
muhammad saria asked 2 years ago
asalam o alikum sir/madam i want to know if someone record a video/audio from mobile during argument without permission is it a crime? if yes what action we can take? thank you

1 Answers
Attorney Staff answered 1 year ago

Yes, it is illegal to record someone’s video without their consent in Pakistan. According to the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2016, it is a criminal offense to record someone’s video without their consent. Section 24 of the act states that anyone who intentionally captures, transmits or disseminates the image of a person’s private body parts or their activities, without their consent, can be punished with imprisonment and/or a fine.
Furthermore, the Pakistan Penal Code also criminalizes the act of voyeurism under Section 354-C. This section states that anyone who intrudes upon the privacy of another person by watching, capturing or recording their private activities, without their consent, can be punished with imprisonment and/or a fine.
Therefore, it is important to obtain consent from the person being recorded before recording their video or taking their photograph in Pakistan.