Court Bailiff in Pakistan

In order to prove your case sometimes it is necessary for a judge hearing the case to personally visit some premises or personally check the fact at some location other than the court premises. Nowadays the courts in Pakistan are overburdened with the cases so it is not possible for a judge to leave all his work a go out of court just for one case due to which court bailiff in Pakistan is appointed by the court hearing the case.

Court bailiff in Pakistan exercises all his powers and duties just like a judge. A court bailiff in Pakistan is considered like a judge himself. If the nature of the case is such that an issue of the aggrieved party can be addressed only if a bailiff from the court is appointed then in these cases the bailiff from the court is appointed in Pakistan. Criminal lawyers in Pakistan are expert in taking bailiff from the court.

In which cases court the bailiff in Pakistan is appointed?

* For the recovery of an illegally detained person in the police station
* For recovery of illegal or improper custody of minor
* For recovery of illegal occupied premises
* For observation of a particular fact or truth

Who appoints the bailiff?
It is quite logical that a court bailiff in Pakistan is appointed by the court only. No other department or authority other than the court can appoint a bailiff all a client needs to do is to hire a competent lawyer who can get you a bailiff from the court.

What is the authority of the court bailiff in Pakistan?
A bailiff in Pakistan acts like a judge himself as he has all the powers and authority of a judge.

How much are the fees of a bailiff in Pakistan? 
It’s the court that decides the fees of a bailiff with the consultation of a person to be appointed as a bailiff. The bailiff’s fees are always in advance so before you take the bailiff to your required premises you have to pay all the fees and dues to the bailiff and then avail of his services.

Who can be appointed as a bailiff?
The court can appoint any person as a bailiff. By any person means any person. Court normally orders its own staff to be appointed as bailiff.

What if someone disobeys the bailiff or hinders him?
A bailiff from the court is considered to be a judge himself and anyone who obstructs or disobeys a bailiff, obstructs or disobeys a judge legally and such person have to face criminal case and contempt of court proceedings.

How can you get a bailiff from the court in Pakistan?
If you are in search of how to get a bailiff from the court in Pakistan then let us guide you that all you need to do is hire the services of an expert lawyer in Pakistan who can represent your case in the court of law and after proceeding with your case get you a court bailiff in Pakistan. Our law firm in Karachi Pakistan is professional and expert in the field of civil, criminal and family cases. We can get you a court bailiff in Pakistan within no time. All you need to do is to call us and provide the details.  We have expert Criminal lawyers.


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